After Hours

  • Even when our office is closed, medical advice is available around the clock from Bainbridge Pediatrics.

  • For medical emergencies, please call 911.

  • For non-emergency medical problems that occur when the office is closed, we offer several options:
  • Our web site contains a wealth of information intended to help guide you in the care of your child. You can access dosing information for fever medication, home remedies for colds and over the counter cough and cold medications in our "Medicine Dosages" section. "Is Your Child Sick?" will link you to excellent medical sources on common childhood diseases and their treatments.

After Hours Procedures

  • Please note your good judgment should always take precedence over information in these guidelines.

  • If you would like to speak with our triage nurse after hours, please call our main number, 206-780-KIDS (5437). You will be able to obtain advice from the Anytime Pediatrics Triage Team by following the message prompts . If, after speaking with the nurse, you or the nurse feels it is appropriate to speak to the physician on-call, the nurse will facilitate that communication.

  • Please note there will be an $25 fee imposed for each call made to the Nurse Triage Team. This amount will be billed directly to the patients account and is not billed to insurance. This fee is subject to change and may not be reflected accurately on this webpage.  


If an emergency should arise, please call 911.

Emergencies are considered to be those conditions that are life-threatening: loss of consciousness, severe bleeding, seizure, etc. In the case of minor emergencies (lacerations, cuts, mild fractures, sprains), please call our office first for instructions.

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